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Love Your Game consists of a team of people all dedicated to building games in various forms.

Currently the main focus is building games for Mobile devices, such as smart phones and tabs, as well as for the browser.
We are building the games mostly for our own and others pleasure, but are more than willing to dive into outside projects proposed to us with the right angle and motivation.

We are certified for both iOS and Android development and are with ease able to build towards both platforms, as well the Windows, Mac OSX and browser platforms. Our game building skills are extensive as we have long expirience working proffessionally with programming, graphical and interactive media and web development.
Due to almost identical code and graphics being used for all platforms we normally have a smaller time frame in which we build our games than others might.

At our sister website Love Your App we have a focus towards apps that are outside the game genre and there you can find apps that we are working on and have finished.