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Home Articles posted by PP76

WireDot is on the move

Published on 2014/10/19 by in Dev blog

So WireDot is a game we’ve been occasionally working on for a few weeks now and it’s starting to come along nicely. We’ve reached the point where we’re about to start building some levels for the game and *should* be able to release a beta for testing soonish. The game itself is a fairly simple game, involving a wire and a dot. Well actually it’s several dots but we haven’t started counting yet  It’s mostly for fun to test out a sort of hypnotizing concept and it’ll definently get your fingers burning! In addition it also adds the concepts of

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BombSweep for Android updated

Published on 2013/06/06 by in Info

We’re celebrating the Swedish national day by releasing an updated version, 1.3, of BombSweep for Android containing a new feature. Version 1.3 introduces a new feature called Time bonus. At random times a new green clock icon will appear on a random brick. The faster you click on this clock the more time bonus you get, ie the more time is subtracted from your current time. Download BombSweep for Android here:

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BombSweep released on AppStore

Published on 2013/05/11 by in Info

BombSweep has today been released on Appstore! Install it and enjoy it on both iPhones and iPads

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Strawberry Fling updated

Published on 2013/05/10 by in Info

Strawberry Fling is now available in an updated version on Google Play. We will also shortly release it for iOS to be available for both iPhone and iPad. Enjoy the latest version on Google Play You’ll also find more info about Strawberry Fling under Games in the menu.

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BombSweep has been released on Google Play

Published on 2013/04/20 by in Info

Woohoo! Finally we have released the first version of BombSweep  Go and try it out yourself. Download it on Google Play More info here http://www.loveyourgame.se/games/bomb-sweep/

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Bomb Sweep is nearing release

Published on 2013/04/19 by in Info

Closing in on releasing the ap for both Android and iOS. Missing is some sweet music tune, some minor tweaks and an update of the info and how to play pages. Feeling good!

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Try the latest Bomb Sweep beta!

Published on 2013/04/10 by in Info

Try the latest Bomb Sweep beta version. It features new graphics, local highscore list and the new feature formerly know as “DBL”. Get more info on how to try the new beta on the Bomb Sweep page.

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Bomb Sweep

Published on 2013/04/10 by in not-in-blog-flow

Short description The game is inspired by the classic Mine sweep but has a few (not yet fully implemented) unique features. It is developed 100% in Flash with ActionScript 3 and Adobe AIR using the wonderful and free IDE FlashDevelop. Bomb Sweep plays on both Android and iOS, tablets and phones though playing on a screen smaller than 3.5 inches may at the moment be somewhat challenging.

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Published on 2012/08/16 by in not-in-blog-flow

Samuraiblock is our upcoming game and will, once ready, be found here. Heavily influenced by a game from the 80’s it’s a game aimed at all 5 of our main platforms, Android, iOS, Windows desktop, Mac OSX desktop and the browser. As the game title gives away you will be playing the role of a samurai, and you will block and you will knock. Awesome graphics, awesome sound. Development is ongoing still.

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Skåne runt

Published on 2012/08/16 by in not-in-blog-flow

Test your skills about Skåne with this tricky game. The game consists of 4 parts of variable difficulty. The game parts are: Stadsorientering – City location knowledge Here you have to hit the correct location for each city on the map of Skåne Matcha kommunvapen – Match county coat of arms This game is a memory game, consisting of the coat of arms of Skåne. Samla sevärdheter – Collect sights. Similar to the first game part, but instead you have to find the correct location for various sights located in Skåne. Bygg din Skånebild – Build your Skåne picture In

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